Select Chamber

Owen Dixon Chambers East 205 William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Owen Dixon Chambers East is the original home of the Victorian Bar and the first building to be owned by BCL. The building was named after Sir Owen Dixon, one of Australia’s most renowned legal minds who served as Chief Justice of the High Court. With views overlooking the Supreme Court, Owen Dixon Chambers East provides one of the most sought after legal locations in Melbourne.

Connected to Owen Dixon Chambers West within the building there are also clerks’ offices, the Essoign Club and the Victorian Bar Office and Library.  The BCL Service Desk, supporting over 2,000 barristers across seven buildings as well as on-site visitors can be found on the ground floor.

Spanning across the ground floor is the impressive and highly renowned Peter O’Callaghan QC Gallery, a tribute to the enormous contributions of the Bar’s champions which acts as a source of inspiration for future generations of barristers.

Building Features


All chambers are provided with BCL’s technology network services and support.

Video Conferencing

Available on levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13.


Available on every floor.


Available on levels 2, 4, and 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Multi Faith Prayer Room
  • Located in room 515 on level 5 of Owen Dixon Chambers East the room is equipped with mats, a cabinet for shoes and chairs.
  • Access to level 5 is open during the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm with swipe card access required outside of these times.
Motorbike Parking

Available on-site in specifically marked bays.

Car Parking

Available on-site and allocated on a seniority basis. Click here to view vacancies.

Bicycle Parking

Available on-site.

View Vacancies & Floor Plans

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